Горячие поздравления с успешным созывом второго совета третьей сессии Торговой палаты строительных материалов провинции Шэньси. Поздравляем Jinlaibang Valve и Aokang
Компания Iron and Steel за награду «Бренд строительных материалов, которому доверяют потребители в провинции Шэньси» в списке общей оценки предметов интерьера Шэньси 2022 года, составленном «Хуа Шан Бао»
В эту прекрасную весну, полную цветов и зеленых оттенков, в это время года, которое принадлежит труженикам и борцам; 16 мая в 9:00 «Торговая палата строительных материалов Шэньси»
торжественно прошел в конференц-зале промышленной группы Цзиньпэн. Второй совет третьей сессии. «Среди них председатель Торговой палаты строительных материалов провинции Шэньси,
Г-н Ван Тяньчунь, председатель компании Xi'an Daming Palace Building Materials Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., почетный председатель Торгово-промышленной палаты Сиань Аньси, г-н Вен Чанцин, председатель Dapeng
Промышленный отдел и вице-президент: в общей сложности на встрече приняли участие более 100 членов, включая г-на Вен Юаньхуэя, председателя Shanghai Jinlaibang Valve, и г-жу Вен Бижи, генерального директора Aokang Steel!
01. Ознакомиться с работой и финансовым отчетом за 2022 год.
First of all, the 2022 annual work report and financial report were reported at the meeting, mainly reviewing the work for the whole year of 2022, affirming the achievements made by the building materials chamber of commerce, summarizing experience and reporting the key work report for 2023.
play the national anthem
At the meeting, the proposals for the addition of vice presidents and directors to recruit new members will be considered, and new vice presidents, directors and member units will be awarded licenses!
02. Issuing the award-winning member units of the general evaluation list of building materials and home furnishing
double award
Jinlaibang Valve, Aokang Steel, Zhongjia Door Industry, Hongwei Junteng, Shunjia Network, Jinda Cable,Fengxinshuo Building Materials, Emperor Gongmao and many other units were awarded the 2022 Shaanxi
Home Furnishing General Review by "Hua Shang Bao" The building materials brand trusted by consumers in Shaanxi!
03. Awarded "315 Consumer Trusted Businesses" in 2023
Awarded "2022 Outstanding Newcomers, Members, Directors of Ministries and Commissions, and Branch Presidents"
Awarded "2022 Enthusiastic Service Award"
At the second meeting of the third session of the Shaanxi Provincial Building Materials Chamber of Commerce,Shanghai Jinlaibang Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Shaanxi Aokang Iron and Steel Materials Co., Ltd. both won
the "China Business Daily" 2022 Shaanxi Home Furnishing General Evaluation List "Shaanxi Consumers Trust Building Materials Brand , is the recognition and affirmation of the vast number of consumers for us.
As one of the members on the road of the valve industry, Jinlaibang Valve has also invested a lot of cost in recent years to carry out brand upgrading, innovative research and development, market research and
personnel training. This is the hope It can make products more suitable for social development needs and consumer needs.
In the future, Jinlaibang Valve will continue to uphold the craftsman spirit and innovative ideas, take the road of the brand solidly, go far, pursue excellence and promote the high-quality development of the brand!