Регулятор перепада высокого давления DC 1834,DC 1221

  • Регулятор перепада высокого давления DC 1834,DC 1221

Регулятор перепада высокого давления DC 1834,DC 1221

Категория Обычный
Клапан JLB Клапан для промышленности
Горячая линия заказа 86 021 56900777
Обзор продукта

DOCN high-pressure differential controi valve is a cantrol valvespecially designed for severe condtions such as high temperatureand high pressure difference. Regardless of whather it is acompressible or incampressible fluid, it can guarantee its precisecontrol and long life, and can solve the problems of cavitation andnoise. In addition, due to the high quallity and high performance ofthis series, mainionance costs arg reduced and the system issimplfied. At he same time, the process pipe design carmore compact because no orilice plate or pipe muffier is needed.Plea se salect the modal according to tha fluid conditions according DC1834,DC1221,DC1844,DC1854.

Schematic diagram of multistage Depressurization


Main technical parameters


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